Sunday, May 3, 2020


Last edited on: 20 May 2020


First of all, we must know that not all skills are spammable. A skill may have Variable Cast Time (VCT) or/and Fixed Cast Time (FCT) or/and After Cast Delay (ACD) or/and Cooldown (CD).  

To spam skills fast, you need both Attack Speed (ASPD) & After Cast Delay Reduction (ACDR). Also you may need 100% VCT Reduction (VCTR), FCT Reduction (FCTR) & CD Reduction (CDR). It depends on what skill you using. 

There a skill only have ACD & very low CD with no VCT & FCT. For example is Wind Cutter (RK's Skill). So for Wind Cutter, you only need ACDR & high ASPD to spam it. Since the cooldown only 0.2 sec, so Wind Cutter don't need CDR.

There a skill that have ACD, VCT & FCT only. For example is Reverberation (Minstrel's Skill). So for Reverberation, you need ACDR, 100 VCTR & 0.5 sec FCTR to be able to spam it. 

There a skill that have ACD, VCT & high CD. For example is Metallic Sound (Minstrel's Skill). So you need ACDR, 100% VCTR & 2.5 sec CDR to be able to spam it.

So basically it depends on what skill you using. Ok now let us understand what is VCT, FCT, ACD & ASPD. I don't think I need to explain what is Cooldown (CD) right? Becoz it's easy to understand 😆

Cast Time - VCT & FCT

Well, I think I will just share a link to you guys 😝. For better understanding on what is VCT & FCT, you guys can go here: Cast Time

In short, VCT can be reduced by Stats alone or Percentage Reduction from items. You only can attain 0 second VCT either by Stats alone or Percentage Reductions alone, but not in some combination of the two due to the nature of the VCT formula.

You can see how fast is your Cast Time above you head (psst. not above your head IRL but in game). Gif belows show an example of long Cast Time:

After Cast Delay (ACD)

All skills are temporarily grayed out after execution, blocking their use. Most skills have this value. During Cast Delay (or Global Skill Delay or After Cast Delay), the character can move and attack freely, but cannot use any skills. There is no visible indication of Cast Delay except the grayed out skill icons of all skills in the Hotkey bar. ACD can only be reduced by ACDR from items. Cannot be reduced by Stats.

Gif below shows example of ACD (the grayed out skill icons of all skills in the Hotkey bar):

Attack Speed (ASPD)

For details about ASPD, you guys can go here: Attack Speed
So basically for skill spamming, ASPD reduces the Animation Delay. I will show example on how ASPD (Animation Delay) affect your skill spam on the next subtopic "How to ACD & ASPD Affect Skill Spam Rate?" below.

How ACD & ASPD Affect Skill Spam Rate?

Ok so for this topic, I will only shows how ACD & ASPD affects skill spam  Keep in mind that this is just theory based. Skill spam rate also depends on your ping (What is Ping?). The lower your ping, the smoother your skill spam rate. I will show an example of my test on how ping affect my skill spam rate in subtopic below "Skill Spam Test".

So now I will show you the difference when you have low ASPD with high ACDR, high ASPD with low ACDR and high ASPD with high ACDR. You will see how both ASPD & ACDR affects your skill spam rate. Check out gifs below:

Spamming Wind Cutter with 146 ASPD and 80% ACDR.

Spamming Wind Cutter with 193 ASPD and 0% ACDR.

Spamming Wind Cutter with 193 ASPD and 80% ACDR.

How to Know/Calculate Your needed ACDR & ASPD?

So, to calculate how many ACDR% you need for a skill is by using this formula:

ACDR% = [1 - (ACD you want ÷ Skill ACD)] × 100

*If you want 7 hits per sec, the ACD you want = 1 ÷ 7 = 0.14 sec
*If you want 5 hits per sec, the ACD you want = 1 ÷ 5 = 0.2 sec

To calculate how many ASPD you need is by using this formula:

ASPD = 200 - (50 ÷ hits per sec you want)

To calculate ACDR% needed:
Let say Reverberation has 1 second ACD and you want 0.14 ACD (7 hits per sec). Calculation will be like this:

ACDR% = [1 - (0.14 ÷ 1)] × 100 = 86%

So for Reverberation, you need 86% ACDR to spam at rate of 7 hits per sec. Assuming you already have 193 ASPD, 100% VCTR & 0.5 second FCTR.

To calculate ASPD needed:
Let say you only want 7 hits per sec (max spam rate). Calculation will be like this:
ASPD = 200 - (50 ÷ 7) = 193 ASPD (rounded from 192.86)

In Monster Hunter, it's capped to 5 hits per sec. So total ASPD you need in Monster Hunter is:

ASPD = 200 - (50 ÷ 5) = 190 ASPD

Here I prepared a calculator. So no need to calculate yourself. Simply fill the value and it auto calculate the ACDR & ASPD you need
Calculator download link: ACDR & ASPD Calculator

Skill Spam Test

I did a test using my mechanic using Arm Cannon level 2 (Instant Cast) using default client.

at ~300 ping

193 aspd
100% ACDR
100% VCTR
0.5 FCTR

Damage dealt
damage dealt 9798 (no variance) per hit.
damage per sec = 29,394

29,394 / 9798 = 3 hits per sec

So as you can see, at 300ms ping, even with max ASPD & ACDR, I only able to get 3 hits per sec max. Sometimes I do get 4 hits per sec but very few chance. Tho some players with ping 300ms able to reach 4-5 hits per sec. So I guess, maybe PC performance also affects our skill spam rate (not confirmed, just a guess). This only happen to target-based skills. For self target skill like Rolling Cutter (GX's skill), we still able to get max spam rate 7 hits per sec.


Thank you to all guildies from Cat Butt, friends & all players that shared their knowledge/info to me. Without them all, I'm nothing.





Audit Log
If there any edit I made in this post, I will update the change/audit log here. So none of u not gonna miss anything new.

7 May 2020
  • Added new subtopic "Skill Spam Test"
20 May 2020
  • Added calculator download link in "How to Know/Calculate Your needed ACDR & ASPD?"

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